• Question: How in the world did you get such good grades in all your subjects. Especially science?

    Asked by 259prtj48 to Daniel on 13 Jun 2017.
    • Photo: Daniel Smith

      Daniel Smith answered on 13 Jun 2017:


      Hahaha, well thats a question I’m sure you’ve had answered before. But I’ll be honest, it just clicks with me, for some people they work really hard and it never sticks in they just have to try to remember, for others (like me) they read something and find it easier to understand. I think you generally do better at the subjects you enjoy, if you don’t enjoy them you won’t do very well because you don’t ‘want’ to remember them.

      Either way, the best thing you can do, even if you don’t like them, is to just read as much of the revision stuff as you can, do some of the online quizzes, watch youtube videos on the science of things in order to get a better feeling for why you are learning it, that may help you.

      But honestly, just do your best for GCSE, try to get your grade C if you can (but don’t worry if you don’t my parents didn’t my brother didn’t and he is doing an electrical engineering apprenticeship), and if you want to go to college find out what you enjoy and study that. It will be much easier when you are doing something you enjoy.

      Just have fun with school, do your best obviously, and don’t worry GCSE’s are not the end of the world no matter what anyone says. If you have a passion for something you will make something of it (my best friend didn’t do very well at GCSE and dropped out of art college, but went to an interview for a company that wanted a university grade artist, got the job and now lives in Miami earning more than me!)

      So don’t worry if theres something you struggle with, or if you struggle in school, theres a passion out there for you, and you will find it 🙂


      P.S. If you want to know fun science stuff check this youtube channel out.

