• Question: what was your favourite university to go to

    Asked by Tubster,dicko to Amy on 10 Jun 2017.
    • Photo: Amy Grayson

      Amy Grayson answered on 10 Jun 2017:

      Hmm, tricky question! I really enjoy working at Manchester Metropolitan now but I also loved working at the University of Sheffield. All the researchers were great and we used to do lots of different events outside of work like bowling and pub quizzes and weekend trips to Whitby and the Lake District. My supervisors from Sheffield are also fab, they still email me to ask how I am and how my new research project is going.
      I particularly enjoyed the research I was doing there, which was a project on tissue-engineering – we made a model of the tonsils in the lab and used this to show what a tonsillitis infection looked like and what happened to the cells when they were infected!
