• Question: whats the hardest thing in your job?

    Asked by avacado stealing squirrel to Amy, Helen, Nicolas, Daniel, Thorrun on 10 Jun 2017. This question was also asked by kelciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, Tubster,dicko.
    • Photo: Helen Frost

      Helen Frost answered on 10 Jun 2017:

      Sometimes my job feels like I’m playing a slow game of chess. I often rely on other people to get things done, before I can move on with tasks, so I have to help them as much as possible and try to persuade them to devote their time to my needs, and then hope that they do what I’ve asked, and do it well. I like to think of myself as quite persuasive, but everyone is busy and sometimes it’s frustrating having to wait to hear back from someone if I can’t do anything to change the situation.

    • Photo: Amy Grayson

      Amy Grayson answered on 12 Jun 2017:

      For me, the hardest thing about my job is public speaking. I love doing experiments and getting results but when it comes to presenting my work to a large group of people at work or scientific conferences, I really struggle. I get very nervous and forget what I want to say and end up being a stuttering mess!

      That said, my supervisor has worked with me a lot about conquering my fear of public speaking! She has let me practice presentations over and over again to make sure I know what I’m saying and sometimes my work colleagues also join her to make the audience a little bit bigger but less frightening as they are my friends. I really think the key is to practice, remember to speak slowly and breathe properly (or else my face goes horribly red and embarassed!!)
